Monday 18 March 2019

3 Types of Cases to Hire a Family Lawyer

Family law comprises cases associated with marriage & children, yet in broader terms, there are numerous subjects that fall under the family law category. In fact, in this area of law, emotional complications are comparatively higher than many other areas of law. Thus, the law firm or its expert lawyer need to be able to handle the case with sensitivity and care.

Presently, there are a few Family Law Firms in Bristol whose attorneys also practice in the states of Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Here are 3 types of legal cases where it’s wise to hire a family lawyer.


Divorce is usually a difficult legal situation where one size will surely not fit all. In the case of both parties cooperating, then higher fees or documentation is not required. But there are many cases where both spouses need a lawyer who can fight on their behalf. Here, hiring an expert who can handle litigation is essential. The attorney whom you hire will make arrangements for the proceedings from the initial stage and will later respond to them, as well as guide you through the grounds of divorce. Also, terms for a fair settlement and necessary negotiations can be made under the lawyer’s supervision.

Child Custody

Post-legal separation, making the right decision or arrangement for the child is next to follow. It is here that another important area of family law - child custody - comes to light. To be clear, legal and physical are the two major types of custody. Legal custody implies the right to make all the important decision in accordance with education, medical, and others in the child’s life. Usually, legal custody is granted jointly to both the parents. Whereas, physical custody means where the child lives or resides. Even here joint custody is possible.

Child Support

Child support relates to those cases where financial support for the child is to be paid by the parent who does not have primary custody, to the one who has. The support so obtained is used for the benefit of the child and also for paying the usual expenses incurred like food, clothing, healthcare, and others.

These are a few cases or areas where approaching Family Law Firms for legal services is essential. Hence, when you or a loved one is considering to go ahead and take legal action pertaining to any of these, make sure to consult an attorney. Preferably, someone with a good reputation and proven experience can be ideal.

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